Sunday, February 22, 2009

nmpk x die nk jatuh lepas kena kick muke??huhuhu...pening tu....hehe..xpe,laen kali cube lg ek..huhuhu...rajin2 trening...practice makes pn xckup trening sem..kejohanan wajadiri kt n.sembilan nk tgk my improvement kt tournament...huhu...until then,gudluck to all fighters....

move that end the match with me won by TKO...huhuhu...turning kick right to the face...huhuhu,,,beauty!!

aha...ko lmbt nk lari..x block plak da kena kick kt rusuk...huhuhu...

die nk lg ni..hehehe...take this..huhu..nsib kena hujung,klu match btol...point da dpt...huhu...

ambik ko.....jumping reverse hook..hahahaha...

nsib nk takutkn die jek...

my favourite..hehehehe...sparring time baby...huhuhu...bdk unimap ni yg nk lwn ngn sy..huhuhu...die nmpk sy plg lemah kot kt situ,bnyk g bdk ump lain situ die xcabar..huhuhu...nsib die ar jmpa ngn owg paling brutal sparring dr ump ni..hehehe..nsib baek friendly match kejap jek...control ag yg pkai glove biru tu...


nk blk dah ni...huhuhu...macho jgk rupanye sy ni ek??hehehe...

dlm bas ump..hehehe...sapa plg hensem??sy jgk kan...bwahahahaha...

bdk2 ump ngn coach pompuan unimap...huhuhu....mcm sy ddk ats krusi jek kan...hahaha...
comel btol bdk tg melompat kt dpn tu kan...hehehehehehe...
activiti kelab TKD(ITF) UMP kat unimap 20-22feb 2009...huhuhu...bdk2 ump ngn unimap...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

whats wrong with me???

this week is a hell test and assigment busy week for body feel so tired,my brain feels very heavy,and i`m not get enough sleep..but although all of it,i can`t sleep well or cannot sleep..i think that i only sleep 2.5hr a days...and that is when the class already start.this make me tend to escape class and i know that is not good.but what can i do,that is the only time i can sleep and regain my,is the anybody out there who`s know how to cure me???i have a problem to sleep when the time to sleep comes.

Friday, January 30, 2009

apa budak2 ni buat ek???hahaha..
bas mo jalan da woi...huhu..
santai waktu sesi timbang berat.hahaha..

taekwon_do(ITF) national tournament 2008..
fighters from pahang with our intructor and coach..ooyeaa...haha..
the most simple and cheerful team..haha..
we are the best guys...

when i was at my hometown..huhu...
how was it look like now??
will be coming home in may 2009..
watch your head dude..hehehe..
sidekick with smiling face..hahaha..
one step closer to perfection..